7 Benefits of Functional Training:
What are the benefits of functional training and what makes functional fitness training so good for you?
Visit almost any gym, fitness club or wellness center nowadays and you are likely to see an increasingly large number of people applying functional training techniques into their workouts – and for good reason. With so many different training styles and proclaimed miracle workouts, it’s sometimes hard to sort through the nonsense and figure out which style is best for you.
Below are some major benefits of functional training, strengthening not only our bodies but also our philosophy that functional training can be right for everyone.
Movement Matters; Our bodies are designed to move, not to sit slumped over a computer all day. The less you move, the less blood sugar your body uses. Functional training focuses on training movement patterns rather than isolating individual muscles. If you spend most of your working day sat down in the office, sitting on the chest press machine at the gym is probably counter productive.
Posture; Functional training can help to correct bad posture and muscular imbalances caused by the daily grind, stressful jobs and hectic lifestyles.
Fat Burning; Functional training provides fantastic fat burning workouts, by using full body exercises that improve strength, endurance and boost metabolism, not wasting a minute of your session.
Muscle Tone/Density; It develops strong, lean bodies, look at gymnasts at the Olympics, they are constantly training movement patterns and lifting their own body weight, not doing bicep curls or pounding away on the treadmill for hours!
Stability; Every session includes flexibility, mobility, core stability, balance and strength training principles to keep your body constantly challenged in all areas of a strong, healthy and vibrant body.
Sports Specific; Functional training provides essential training for sport specific conditioning. Enhancing the relationship between the nervous and musculoskeletal system, providing quick, reactive, and powerful movement patterns – whether your chosen sport is golf, rugby or MMA.
Core Strength; in functional training every exercise involves core activation, teaching the core to stabilize the spine against external force, throughout an array of differing movement patterns and body positions. Therefore mimicking the demand placed upon the core and spine in our every day tasks and recreational activities. Crunches alone, unfortunately just don’t cut it!